Uniunea Europeana
Many things can be said about the European Union, its institutions and its political leaders. It has complex decision-making mechanisms, it ensures freedom of movement, it is too demanding or maybe not strict enough. Some people want to leave it and others want to stay in it forever. Some people want to steer it towards a more inter-governmental design whilst others want more and more integration.
But, these are just general things describing the current political situation of the land we live in. How does all this look like from the communities' point of view? Do people really understand how it works? Is there sufficient information so that maybe one day we will be prepared to go multinational in our elections for the European Parliament?
These are just some of the questions this blog intends to answer and because the themes of study or interest in European Union are so many I have stopped at the two most important ones: social and political.
This blog will try to bring to light different kinds of ideas, concrete examples, models to follow as well as to attempt to explain the way in which most of our legislation is currently produced and how, just how exactly it all works together.
I hope you will all be joining me down the path into this wonderful journey towards the discovery of this magical land which the experts call social reality.

Multe lucruri pot fi spuse despre Uniunea Europeana, institutiile sale si oamenii politici europeni. Uniunea foloseste mecanisme complexe in luarea deciziilor, asigura libertatea de miscare a tuturor membrilor sai, poate fi uneori prea aspra prin cerintele sale sau alteori nu indeajuns de stricta. Unii oameni vor sa o paraseasca, pe cand altii ar dori sa traiasca aici pentru totdeauna. Unii doresc sa dezvolte un mecanism interguvernamental de coordonare a politicilor sale, pe cand altii vor din ce in ce mai multa integrare.
Dar, toate aceste lucruri sunt in general cunoscute si descriu foarte pe larg realitatea politica a bucatii de pamant pe care traim. Cum arata insa totul din punctul de vedere al comunitatilor? Oamenii de rand chiar inteleg ei cum Uniunea functioneaza? Este oare intr-adevar atat de multa informatie in asa fel incat sa putem sa ajungem vreodata sa votam multinational pentru Parlamentul European?
Acestea sunt numai cateva din intrebarile la care acest blog intentioneaza sa raspunda si pentru ca temele de studiu sau interes asupra Uniunii Europene sunt multe eu m-am oprit numai la cele mai importante: sfera sociala si cea politica.
Acest blog va incerca sa puna in evidenta moduri noi de gandire, exemple concrete, modele de urmat, dar va incerca in acelasi timp sa explice modul in care legislatia nationala este produsa si cum exact totul reuseste sa functioneze impreuna.
Sper ca ma veti urma pe micul, dar minunatul drum al cunoasterii acestei realitati pe care expertii o numesc realitatea sociala. 

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European Union